BLF 278-300W Pallet FM Amplifier
BLF 278-300W Pallet Amplifier FMo Blf 278-300w Pallet FM Amplifier Designed for FM radio transmitters, this amplifier incorporates microstrip and MOSFET transistor technology to increase robustness and reliability.
BLF 278-300W Pallet FM Amplifier
o Blf 278-300wPallet FM Amplifier Designed for FM radio transmitters, this amplifier incorporates microstrip and MOSFET transistor technology to increase robustness and reliability. 86 – 110MHz 48 Volts BLF278 MOSFET Input / Output 50 ohms Provides 300W with an input of 2.5 to 3 watts . 1dB Minimum compression point is 330W at 108MHz , minimum 350W at lower frequencies . 19dB minimum gain 20dB typical Low distortion class B Compact size ; WxWxH 4.0 x 2.0 x 1.5 inches Minimum 300W . This pallet will easily exceed 330W , but operation above the Philips 300W specification is not recommended. Download in PDF format (285kb). The PDF contains detailed performance information and more photos. Quick facts about current consumption : For 250 watts current is just over 8 amps @ 48V for any frequency in the FM range. Current consumption increases to 9.6 amps at 300 watts out. Every pallet amplifier we sell has been developed and tested on an HP 8753 vector network analyzer for maximum performance. Our products are manufactured with an amplifier mounted on an automatic surface. This pallet is optimized for 48 volt operation. Using a lower voltage will result in lower efficiency and significantly lower output power, but 28V operation is possible. Operating at low voltage will make the amplifier indestructible to high SWR conditions. This amplifier will make 125 watts at 28V with an input of 3 watts. This pallet is intended for use in 50 ohm systems only.