Eagle MDF 107R FM Modulation Monitor
Eagle MDF 107R FM Modulation Monitor
O FM Eagle MDF- 107R FM Broadcast Analyzer is very practical and inexpensive.
Eagle MDF 107R FM Modulation Monitor
O FM Eagle MDF- 107R FM Broadcast Analyzer is very practical and inexpensive.
This device offers a comprehensive analysis of FM modulation and generates reports that can be saved or printed for later analysis.
It has an LCD display and multiple reading interface for measuring and collecting data in the field, without having to be connected to a PC
The RS-232 serial interface, USB and control program provide the ability to use this equipment remotely via a PC.
This type of analyzer is essential for every FM radio station, so with this equipment you can guarantee compliance with basic technical standards, thus providing better audio quality.
The measures are as follows:
In MEASURE mode :
Maximum frequency deviation .
Average frequency deviation .
Minimum frequency deviation .
Sustained low frequency deviation .
Energy modulation.
Pilot deviation.
RDS detour.
Phase difference between pilot and RDS.
Frequency histogram deviation .
Signal strength.
Deviation 2 FI .
Noise level.
In RDS mode:
RDS / RBDS demodulation data
Stereo balance .
Technical Specifications
FM’s MDF-107R analyzer can be powered from any power supply that provides a voltage of 12 VAC, with a capacity of 1A.
Transformer supplied with this unit .
Never exceed the specified voltage which may cause permanent damage to this device.
This instrument has two Monitoring and Control options:
a) Through its built -in display
b ) via PC screens
a) Through its display: it has six screens (D1 to D6).
D1 screen:
Used to tune to a frequency determined by the UP and DOWN controls. After choosing the frequency, this is set by pressing the MENU key.
The display will show the amount of signal the instrument is receiving instantly, we can see the maximum frequency deviation, average and power modulation deviation on the display.
D2 display:
Displays the tuned frequency, the amount of signal received and the minimum deviation and minimum sustained frequency measured in kHz.
D3 display:
Displays the tuned frequency, the amount of signal received and the pilot deviation, the RDS deviation and the phase difference between the two.3.4 D4 Display:
Displays the tuned frequency, the amount of signal received, the frequency deviation histogram, the number of samples and the maximum frequency deviation.
D5 dial:
Displays the tuned frequency, the amount of signal received and the signal level and offset value, here you can also see the noise level.
D6 screen :
Displays the frequency tuned, the amount of signal received and the type of program.
b ) via PC screens