National/Greenstone 4CX12000A
National/Greenstone 4CX12000A
4CX12000A / 8989 is designed for use in VHF radio frequency applications. It has an internal mechanical structure that results in high RF operating efficiency.
National/Greenstone 4CX12000A4CX12000A/ 8989 is designed for use in VHF radio frequency applications. It has an internal mechanical structure that results in high RF operating efficiency. Low RF losses in this structure authorize operation at full ratings up to 220 MHz. The 4CX12,000A / 8989 has a gain of 18 dB in FM broadcast service, and is also recommended for RF linear amplifier service and for VHF TV linear amplifier service. The anode is rated for 12 kilowatts of dissipation with forced air cooling and incorporates a new highly efficient cooler design, which significantly reduces air pressure and flow requirements and produces low acoustic noise levels.